von Admin | Okt. 28, 2019 | Event, News
The Resilient Forest Info Day took place on the afternoon of the 21st of October at the Laboratory for Forest Fires Study, in Lousã, Coimbra (Portugal). The event was organized by the Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI). The meeting gave...
von Admin | Okt. 3, 2019 | Event, News
At the 32nd meeting of the FAO work group for the Management of Mountain Watersheds, IIAMA UPV Researcher María González presented the work programme and the activities of LIFE Resilient Forests. The meeting was held from 25 to 27 September in Innsbruck, Austria....
von Admin | Juni 18, 2019 | Event, Unkategorisiert
“Es necesario mirar el agua como un producto forestal ya que modula la producción de alimentos y biomasa, regula la humedad del suelo hidratando la planta y por tanto, mejora la prevención de incendios“. Esta fue unas de las principales conclusiones alcanzadas...
von Admin | Juni 12, 2019 | Event
During the project meeting held in Coimbra, the consortium discussed about the fire risk and the climate change projections which will be analised in the study. Climate change will cause an increase in fire risks, in the number and the intensity of droughts, and will...
von Admin | Jan. 16, 2019 | Event
Featured event
von Admin | Dez. 21, 2018 | Event
Featured event