Five EU funded projects are met online to discuss from different angles and perspectives the importance of Forest Management, bringing up their experiences, results and recommendations
On the 26th April, Resilient Forests’ partners organised an online panel discussion together with the representatives of other four EU funded projects (LIFE and H2020 programmes). The event took place in the speaker’s corner of the 29th (virtual) European Biomass Conference and Exhibition.
The scope of the debate was to address the importance of Forest Management, which is a crucial element for a society aiming for net zero emission and biodiversity preservation. A careful and data-driven management of forests can secure and improve CO2 storage, increase the eco-resilience of the managed areas, reduce fire risks and secure a sustainable supply of biomass. For these and many other reasons, Forest management is a key factor to consider in our energy transition and should be duly considered by upcoming EU initiatives on forests and biodiversity.
Beside Resilient Forests, the following projects were represented: SINCERE (Georg Winkel), MIDMACC (Diana Pascual), TECH4EFFECT (Rasmus Astrup), LIFE CARBON FARMING SCHEME (Hannu Ilvesniemi).
>> At this link you can watch the recording, you just have to register for eubce, selecting the free “visitor pass”.

16:10 – 16:15 | Introduction
Giulio Poggiaroni – EUBIA
16:15 – 16:30 | Forest management at watershed level
Maria Gonzalez Sanchis – Universitat Politècnica de València
16:30 – 16:45 | New policies and business models for forest ecosystems
Georg Winkel – European Forest Institute
16:45 – 17:00 | Adaptive management practices in Mediterranean forests
Diana Pascual – CREAF
17:00 – 17:15 | Data and knowledge based management for forests
Rasmus Astrup – NIBIO
17:15 – 17:30 | Developing carbon farming schemes for forests
Hannu Ilvesniemi – LUKE
17:30 | Q&A and open discussion