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After almost five years of experience from the ground, the LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS project comes to an end. For this reason, we are inviting you to the final project event, taking place in Valencia on the 22nd of March 2023, at the premises of the Universidad Polìtecnica de Valencia. You can register at this LINK

This event will bring together scientists, forest engineers, authorities and civil society representatives to present approaches and solutions to adapt Mediterranean forests to the changing climate and ensure they will continue delivering vital ecosystem services such as wood provision, water management, biodiversity, recreation and contributing to the well-being and growth of local populations in forest regions.
The event will present the expertise collected and the results achieved by LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS and other collaborative projects, in the application of Sustainable Forest Management solutions to Mediterranean forest areas and in the quantification of their tangible environmental and socio-economic outcomes at the local and regional levels.

Topics will include:

● Reconciling Sustainable Forest Management with the protection of carbon sinks and biodiversity
● Planning and implementing Sustainable Forest Management for multi-objective provision of ecosystem services
● Adapting wildfire risk management to the changing climate in Mediterranean forest areas
● Engaging with local stakeholders to co-design site-specific forest management approaches
● Building trust and delivering long-lasting socio-economic outcomes for local communities in forest areas
● Designing effective policies for Sustainable Forest Management in Mediterranean regions

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9:30 Start and welcome message.
9:35 Reconciling Sustainable Forest Management with the protection of carbon sinks and biodiversity (PEFC)
9:50 Coupling water, fire and climate resilience with biomass production from forestry to adapt watersheds to climate change – Lessons learnt from 5 years of LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS (Maria Gonzalez Sanchis – UPV)
10:15 CAFE Decision Support System for Multiobjective Planning of Sustainable Forest Management (UPV)
10:30 Adapting wildfire risk management to the changing climate in Mediterranean forest areas (ADAI)
10:45 Adaptive management of Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forests in the face of climate change (LIFE Adaptaleppo project)
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Participatory approach for Ecosystem Services definition and sustainable management in the Salam-med Project (Prima). SALAM-MED project (Antonio del Campo – UPV)
11:30 Forest Management to reduce wildfire risk and deliver ecosystem services in the Municipality of Serra: lessons learnt, citizens engagement and socio-economic outcomes.
11:45 Designing effective policies for Sustainable Forest Management in Mediterranean regions – Joint position paper (UPV)
12:00 An European innovation partnership network promoting operational groups dedicated to forestry and agroforestry – GOFOREST (EUBIA)
12:10 Climate Adaptation in marginal mid-mountains areas of Spain -MIDMACC project (CREAF)
12:20 Final panel discussion or question time
12:45 Closing remarks
13:00 Networking lunch