In 2021, the European Forest strategy for 2030 was released, paving the way to a new series of legislative initiatives and changes in the policy framework. In this context, partners from seven ongoing LIFE projects have come together to share their field experiences and to provide policy recommendations for promoting a truly Sustainable Forest Management, as a practice to enhance the health and the resilience of Mediterranean forests, for the long-term provision of ecosystem services and economic value in rural areas.
The partners from the LIFE projects RESILIENT FORESTS, MIDMACC, WOOD FOR FUTURE, SYSTEMIC, FOREST CO2, ADAPT-ALEPPO, AGRO FOR ADAPT and MIX FOR CHANGE invite you to BRUSSELS for a roundtable discussing the future of EU forest policy.
In this event, the project’s representatives will share their views on the common challenges faced by the Mediterranean Forests and will present their joint policy recommendations. An open debate discussion will follow the presentations, and representatives from the EU institutions, associations, and organizations involved in the development of forest policy are invited to join the debate. This is a PARTNER event of the EU GREEN WEEK 2022.
Registration link HERE
Downloadable Agenda HERE
14:00 – Welcome and Introduction
EUBIA and the Universidad Politècnica de València will introduce the scope of the event and the speakers from the 8 partner projects
14:10 – Issues and needs of Mediterranean forests
In this panel, representatives from the LIFE projects will present and discuss the main problems and challenges faced by the different forest environments in the Mediterranean area. There will be space for a Q&A session
15:30 – Coffee break and Networking
15:45 – Presentation of the policy recommendations and open discussion
The partner projects will present the policy recommendations for promoting a truly Sustainable Forest Management, as a practice to enhance the health and the resilience of Mediterranean forests, for the long-term provision of ecosystem services and economic value in rural.
The event will end at 17:00.